
Gain from Falcon Pay unrivalled
SMS messaging experience
Send and receive money instantly with Falcon Pay's secure payment platform.
Reach your audience effortlessly and deliver messages timely with Falcon Pay's bulk SMS service.
With automated reminders, Falcon Pay ensures your bills are paid on time, every time.
Integrate Falcon Pay for tailored payment solutions across startups, SMEs, and large companies.

Transform your Point-of-Sale into a Point-of-Smile
Receives payment from diverse channel with our api, merchant checkout and USSD

In today's competitive market, businesses need efficient payment solutions. Our advanced payment system transforms your point-of-sale into a point-of-smile, catering to diverse business needs, from retail shops to online platforms.

Central to our system is robust API integration, offering flexibility and control by seamlessly incorporating our payment processing capabilities into existing systems. This ensures real-time, secure transactions and customization to meet specific needs, streamlining operations and reducing errors.

Our merchant checkout system enhances the payment experience with a user-friendly interface supporting multiple payment options, including cards and mobile wallets, and provides instant payment confirmations, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

For areas with limited internet access, our USSD payment option allows transactions via simple mobile codes, broadening your customer base without requiring internet connectivity or special applications.

Send bulk SMS via FALCON PAY Notify

Use our in-app messaging tool, Notify, to connect with your contacts. Notify has 5 messaging tools and makes light work of complex messaging jobs. Upload and send messages to contacts from Microsoft Excel(.xls, xlsx, .csv) and Notepad (.txt).

For assistance or inquiries

Email us at info@falconpayglobal.com

Leverage Our Custom Development Services.

Click Here to Access the API
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